
Atuação do Enfermeiro do Programa Saúde da Família na Prevenção e Controle da Gravidez Precoce

Velhas solteiras 46955

This work has the purpose of research on role of nurses in family health program in the prevention and control of pregnancy and provide some form of awareness on the subject, are also addressed some contraceptive methods and the current conflicts in the family when faced with the occurrence early pregnancy, emotional disorders caused finalized in early adolescents who become pregnant. The objective of this study is analyze the performance of nurses on family health program in the prevention and control of early pregnancy; Identify the problems that adolescents face in discovering the pregnancy; analyze the importance of nurses' performance of the family health program in preventing teenage pregnancy. The approach used in this study is a qualitative, descriptive, exploratory, has as its target population 15 adolescents, pregnant women or mothers who they are residing in the city of Itaboraí and contains semi-structured interview as a tool for data collection. The results were that the adolescents interviewed have knowledge about sex education, which refers to feelings of teenage pregnancy will have been identified on the feelings of joy, fear, sadness and surprise. It was shown that even with the scare of dissatisfaction, disappointment and surprise, the parents family are present in this new phase of teenagers, all interviewees had support from boyfriends, compared to early pregnancy, even with the support of the boyfriends parents are present and act as companions, most of the teenagers used contraceptive methods like the pill and condoms, where they participated in family planning in primary care unit with nurses in his unit, because according to them even being aware of the risks, not performed sex with protection, I thought this would never happen to them. After completion of the work was concluded that pregnancy during adolescence and a major social problem, because despite the diversity of information there is still an alarming number of pregnant adolescents. This reality shows us that full attention directed at teenagers. Descriptors: Prevention of teenage pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, nursing. Nessa fase, o jovem assume mudanças na imagem corporal, de valores e de estilo de vida, afastando-se dos padrões estabelecidos por seus pais e criando sua própria identidade.

Connection denied by Geolocation

Líder do Grupo de Estudos do desenvolvimento e da cultura corporal e pesquisadora do Centro de Desenvolvimento de Pesquisas em Políticas de Esporte e Lazer de Rondônia. Indica, além da metodologia utilizada, a história de vida das mulheres, retratada por elas, considerando os diversos ciclos de sua existência. Esporte e lazer.

Velhas solteiras namoro 20137

Teses - Saúde Pública

A Arqueologia tradicional tende a lidar com a cultura material a partir de seus atributos formais e simbólicos, assim como sua referência cronológica, para reedificar modos de vida de povos do passado. This region is inhabited by several indigenous peoples, most of them of Karib origin, such as Wai Wai and Katxuyana. Both the ceramic objects, especially the Konduri zoomorphic appliqués, as well as the sites, with rock art and black earth, are related to ancient histories, whether of the indigenous people or of nature spirits. Traditional archaeology tends to deal with material culture from its próprio and symbolic attributes, as well as its chronological reference, to reconstruct the ways of life of peoples of the past. DOI:

Indivíduo Brunopica

Procuro alguém que me entenda,saiba me ouvir,tenha analogia comigo e. Em cata da felicidade. Mulher procura homem-feito viuva Rio de Janeiro. Oi, Rosangela td conveniência, tenho 22 anos vamos registro um reunião.


Me procure pra saciarmos nossos desejos,edsldb hotmail. Manda seu email. Vc gosta de declarar o cu. Gosta de sugar rola. Anote meu email sou dito rodrigomendes gmail.


Tais temas surgiram quando foram estabelecidas combinações entre os descritores: prenhez, idade materna e complicações. De aliança com a TAB. Na TAB. Quanto somente dois foram publicados em português, conclui-se que o terceiro foi publicado em outro língua.

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