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Aline Pompeu Silveira 1. Elder Cerqueira-Santos 2. This research aimed to observe the influence of the following variables: internalized homophobia and religiosity related to sexual satisfaction on people who develop a relationship with those of the same sex.

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A study on the parental representation of homoaffective male couples. Un estudio sobre la representacion parental de parejas homoafetivas masculinas. Endereço para correspondência. Da parentela tradicional-patriarcal à família contemporânea, mudanças relevantes ocorreram, gerando uma pluralidade de modelos. Este trabalho objetiva apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa que investigou as representações parentais de casais homossexuais masculinos, por meio das imagos parentais e legados geracionais. From the traditional patriarchal family, relevant changes have occurred, generating a plurality of models. The mestre role of family in psychic constitution, ahead of the growing emergence of new family arrangements, it is considered essential the study of the new functions and forms of relating in these groups. The method was the clinical-qualitative and the analyses were made based on the psychoanalytical referential.

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Conflicto conyugal: evidencias de validez de una escala de resolución de conflictos en parejas del sur de Brasil. CEP: Telefone: 51 Correio eletrônico: adrianaxwagner gmail. Cómo citar este artículo: Delatorre, M. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 35 1 , Os dados revelam uma estrutura componencial da gama semelhante à original.

Parentalidade em casais homossexuais: Uma revisão sistemática

Cadastre seu e-mail para receber também:. Firstly, the paper introduces the historical and contemporary nature and practices involved with the institution of adoption and it's effects. The implications regarding the welfare of the child are examined. The best interest of the child principle is explored by discussing the psychological effects involved when adoption takes place in a same sex couple situation.

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